Tag: Cosmetic Gynaecology

Diploma in Cosmetic Gynecology, Best Cosmetic Gynaecology Course, Master in Cosmetic Gynecology, Traning in Cosmetic Gynecology, Cosmetic Gynecology training


Apart from the surgical procedures, cutting edge technology, ranging from completely non-invasive to minimally invasive modalities, if used correctly on the correct patient in the correct manner, can help in management of certain grades of SUI & Urgency Incontinence.
In the Urogynaecology Diploma Course, ICCG Grads are taught how to evaluate a patient, how to decide which patient would be benefitted from non-surgical management & which patient shall not be benefitted from non-surgical management & only need surgery, how to choose the correct technology and also, how to use the correct technology. Each & every ICCG Grad is given complete hands-on training, supervised by the expert ICCG Faculty.
It is only in the ICCG training that candidates are exposed to all technologies, and without any industry influence, taught all pros & cons based on firm scientific principles which is also assisted by the experience of Professor Navneet Magon in the field, who is the pioneer in the field, the first to introduce the use of EBDs in Gynaecology in India and has the widest & biggest accumulated experience in this field globally.

A generation of Gynecologists feel blessed to have the best Cosmetic Gynecologist, Dr Navneet Magon as their mentor in Cosmetic Gynaecology

A PROUD ICCG Grad Dr Madhulika Singh, a senior Gynaecologist from Pune, Maharashtra, says that SHE FEELS BLESSED to have Dr Navneet Magon as her mentor for Reconstructive & Cosmetic Gynaecology. Dr Madhulika further says,”….Navneet Sir has given us the core knowledge…from the very basics to the very advanced”. Listen to her live video testimonial. 

Testimonial of an ICCG Grad about ICCG Diploma in Cosmetic Gynecology

Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (FRCOG) of London, Dr Pooja Chaudhry Thukral, a Senior Consultant & Unit Head at Asian Hospital, Faridabad in Delhi NCR says that a training in Cosmetic Gynaecology is useful for every gynaecologist’s practice & everyone planning a training in CosGyn must get trained only & only at the hands of Professor Navneet Magon at the ICCG Course.

Listen to the live video testimonial of Dr Pooja Thukral, a proud ICCG Grad. 

What makes ICCG Training in Cosmetic Gynecology unique & useful?

Dr P Nilima from Hyderabad, Telangana had already been into Ob-Gyn practice for 20 years when she came to attend the ICCG Diploma in Cosmetic Gynaecology. Now, a proud ICCG Grad, Dr Nilima says that she had been searching about Cosmetic Gynaecology trainings for a year, and she then joined the ICCG Course because of its uniqueness and usefulness. Listen to her live video testimonial to know the reasons. 

After a diligent search, doctors find ICCG Courses in Cosmetic Gynaecology as the Best Training in Cosmetic Gynaecology

Dr Hima Bindu Namala, a Consultant Ob-Gyn in Telangana used to get many patients complaining of dyspareunia, vaginal dryness, sexual dissatisfaction & other intimate feminine health issues, and she wanted to learn scientifically how to solve their problems, as such issues aren’t dealt primarily in a Ob-Gyn post-graduate program. Thereafter she started searching for the best training program to find solutions to the problems of her patients, and then after a diligent search, she decided to get trained with Professor Navneet Magon at the ICCG Course. Listen to her video testimonial to find out the reasons…

Professors in Ob-Gyn feel really blessed to join ICCG Diploma in Cosmetic Gynecology & further recommends only & only ICCG Training to any Gynaecologist who is interested in learning the “True Art of Cosmetic Gynaecology”

A Proud ICCG Grad, Professor Shehla Jamal who is herself an Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology voices reasons in great details that why she recommends only & only ICCG Training to any Gynaecologist who is interested in learning the “True Art of Cosmetic Gynaecology”. Listen to the Professor’s live video testimonial. 

Doctors from across the World fly to India to get trained with Dr Navneet Magon at ICCG Courses in Cosmetic Gynecology

Dr Salleha Khalid, a leading Malaysian Gynaecologist & an AOFOG YGA Awardee very carefully scrutinised the available courses in Cosmetic Gynaecology all across the world, and finally chose ICCG as the best training in Cosmetic Gynaecology anywhere in the world.
Listen to our proud ICCG Grad, Dr Salleha, who considers herself to be lucky that she could get trained with Professor Navneet Magon at the ICCG training, and she says, “…..I think, this is THE COURSE in Cosmetic Gynaecology…”. Listen to her video testimonial in which she speaks in great details. 

Gynecologists find ICCG Cosmetic Gynecology Training Courses as 100% SUCCESSFUL COURSES which give them 100% CONFIDENCE TO PRACTICE COSGYN

The story began when Dr Pavani Manikya Palepu, a Consultant Gynaecologist from Vijyawada first realised the need to learn Cosmetic Gynaecology because of the patients’ demands. Then she searched for the pioneer in Cosmetic Gynaecology all across the globe, and found that it is Dr Navneet Magon who is the real pioneer who has established the subspecialty of Cosmetic Gynaecology globally. She then decided to join the ICCG Diploma Course in CosGyn. Listen to Dr. Pavani Manikya Palepu, now a proud ICCG grad, when she speaks her journey into Cosmetic Gynaecology and expresses her gratitude to ICCG & Professor Navneet Magon for the best training.

Global Doctors say that Professor Navneet Magon is definitely a global leader in Cosmetic Gynaecology & ICCG Course is definitely the best training in Cosmetic Gynaecology.

I searched very widely & deep before I did finalise this course with Professor Navneet Magon”, says Dr Bodie Williams, a Gynaecologist from The Bahamas who flew all the way over the Americas, Europe & U.A.E. to reach India to train with Dr Navneet Magon at the ICCG Masters Course.
After finishing her training, she says “…It was absolutely invaluable. You have an opportunity to walk away with tangible experience and be able apply the art & science of Cosmetic Gynaecology and you get a ample hands-on exposure to the procedures”
Now a proud ICCG Grad, Dr Williams says that Professor Magon is definitely a global leader in Cosmetic Gynaecology & ICCG Course is definitely the best course ever in Cosmetic Gynaecology.

ICCG Masters Course in Cosmetic Gynecology is very structured and extremely useful to enhance knowledge and skills

Listen to our Masters Course Grad from Nepal, Dr Rekha Poudel who found the ICCG Masters Course training very structured and extremely useful in enhancement of her knowledge and skills. She profusely showers praise for her teacher & mentor, Professor Navneet Magon for the great knowledgeable person that he is.

Listen to the proud ICCG Grad, Dr Rekha Poudel when she gives reasons who every doctor from Nepal should come and join the ICCG training program.